A collection of various pieces of artwork I've done. Everything opens in a new window. |
Millencolin Bird Photoshop Notes: Mascot of Swedish punk rockers Millencolin. as he appears in the Bring Me Home video. |
Suffer On The Other Side Photoshop Notes: A parody of Bad Religion's "Suffer" album art, inspired by Tonight Alive. "The masses of humanity will always have to suffer." - Bad Religion "I guess everything seems more clear on the other side." - Tonight Alive |
Typography - Today's The Day (I Finally Kissed You) Photoshop Notes: Lyrics to The Unlovables' Todays The Day (I Finally Kissed You) arranged to recreate a scene from Life Is Strange: Episode 3: Chaos Theory. This has been seen and shared by the band! |
It's me! Fizzie Claus! Photoshop Notes: Christmas-themed Fizzie from Sunset Overdrive gives the gift of Overcharge! A cropped version appears in the game's final episode of Sunset TV, which will stream in-game until the end of time! |
Sunset Overdrive Character Photoshop Notes: Digital painting of my Sunset Overdrive character, or a previous version of her at least. The game has lots of character customization options including gender, body type, face, hair and outfits. |
Dark Souls... in spaaaaaaace! Photoshop Notes: Sci-Fi re-imagining of the Elite Knight Armour set from Dark Souls (From Software). Took inspirations from Dead Space and Mass Effect. |
Bear in Exo Suit Photoshop Notes: Sometimes you have weird thoughts, like "I'm gonna draw a bear in power armour." Inspired by Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Sledgehammer Games) |
Minor Threat: The Line Graphite, Photoshop Notes: Inspired by the Minor Threat album cover photo and the loading screens of Yager's excellent game, Spec Ops: The Line. Click image for full size in a new window. |
Enclave Soldier Illustrator, Photoshop Notes: The Enclave appear in Fallout 2 and 3, with a brief appearance in New Vegas. They are all that remains of the US Army after the nuclear apocalypse of 2077. |
Danny Way Illstrator, Photoshop Notes: Danny Way is a pro skateboader and made appearances in the Skate series of video games. |
Ashley Williams Illustrator, Photoshop Notes: Ashley is a party member in Mass Effect 1 and 3, with a brief cameo in Mass Effect 2. She is voiced by Kimberly Brooks. |
Gibson Explorer Photoshop Notes: Yup, it's a guitar, alright. I made this when I was really, really into Guitar Hero. |